Splitske face solidarnosti

03_05_2024 / 13:50h  |  Autor: I.Z.  |  Foto: I.Z.
Splitske face solidarnosti

Info zona je sredinom 2023. godine pokrenula projekt "Splitske face solidarnosti" kojim je istaknula važne osobe grada Splita te izradila originalnu društvenu igru koja potiče na razgovor, kreativnost i učenje

Tim mladih ljudi Info zone dizajnirao je igru kao spoj zanimljivih informacija i originalnih ilustracija uz zabavna pravila. 

Cilj projekta je promocija solidarnosti i istaknutih osoba koje su doprinijele zajedništvu i razvoju grada Splita kroz daleku prošlost, ali i aktualnu sadašnjost. Zaboravu su se otele značajne osobe u području sporta, humanitarnog rada, znanstvenog rada i kulturnog sektora. 

Tim mladih ljudi je kroz 12 mjeseci trajanja projekta istraživao, definirao kriterije za izbor Splitskih faca solidarnosti, realizirao edukativnu društvenu igru, dodijelio nagradu Splitska faca solidarnosti te organizirao popratna događanja poput izložbi i večeri društvenih igara posvećenih ovoj igri.

Predloži nove splitske face solidarnosti ili samo ostavi svoj dojam

Kako bi nam i vi pomogli u otkrivanju aktualnih splitskih faca solidarnosti, slobodno kandidirajte mlade koji iduće godine mogu osvojiti nominaciju za Splitsku facu solidarnosti. Pravila i opis potražite na poveznici.

Ako zaigraš ovu kartašku igru i želiš ostaviti svoj dojam, dati prijedlog kako igra može biti još bolja ili čak predložiti nove splitske face solidarnosti za novu verziju igre, možeš to sve učiniti na poveznici.

Ovdje možeš preuzeti edukativnu knjižicu o splitskim facama solidarnosti koje su predstavljene u prvoj ediciji igre.

Projekt "Splitske face solidarnosti" financiran je sredstvima Europske unije kroz program Europske snage solidarnosti.

Split Faces of Solidarity

In the middle of 2023, the Info zona association launched the "Split Faces of Solidarity" project, which highlighted important people of the city of Split and created an original card game that encourages conversation, creativity, and learning.

The team of young people from the Info zona designed the game as a combination of interesting information and original illustrations with fun rules.

The goal of the project is the promotion of solidarity and prominent people who have contributed to the unity and development of the city of Split through the distant past but also the current present. Important people in the fields of sports, humanitarian work, scientific work, and the cultural sector escaped oblivion.

During the 12 months of the project, a team of young people researched, defined the criteria for the selection of the Split faces of solidarity, realized an educational board game, awarded the Split faces of solidarity award, and organized accompanying events such as exhibitions and evenings of board games dedicated to this game.

Suggest new Split faces of solidarity, or just leave your comments

In order for you to help us discover the current Split faces of solidarity, feel free to nominate young people who can win the nomination for the Split faces of solidarity next year. See the link for the rules and description.

If you play this card game and want to leave your impression, give a suggestion on how the game can be even better or even suggest new Split faces solidarity for the new version of the game; you can do it all at the link.

Here you can download an educational booklet about the "Split Faces of Solidarity" that were presented in the first edition of the game.

The "Split Faces of Solidarity" project was financed by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps program.